I am not proud of the things I did or even ashame of it because if not for those mistakes, I will not be the person that I am now. Besides, I learned on how to assess myself well with the help of the people here who I learned to love and cherish because all of them are worthy people to be a part of my life. As of this moment, I am proud to say that after all, MY LIFE IS NOT ANYMORE FUCKED UP! Thank God! Reasons why I can't leave this hometown? SImple. Everything is here and I got no more to ask for. I learned how to be contented with what I have here. So far, God is giving me almost everything. My family is here, my work is here, my bffs are here and of course give it a little spice that will make it complete and that is what you call L.O.V.E.=) I found it all here... and now...I can proudly say MANYAMAN KENI PAMPANGA!=)
Pampa babee!
Life maybe simple and most of the time monotonous here but I learned to love and appreciate it. From a student turned a crazy-ass-bitch to a hardcore party girl up to a simple working person who got herself up from her failures. Believe it or not, this is me...NOW! I may sound mayabang but who cares? I'm just making an update for the guilty bitches and assholes who did me wrong and blah blah blah...NO COMMENT!hahahaha!lol!=p
Learning the art of L.O.V.E for self!
I learned to love myself again after those lowest points in my life and again thanks to all those people (you know who you are!) and God for helping me out and for being very patient with me especially during the time I am getting over my shit!haha!I love myself more and I love the changes. haha!=) and if some people cannot accept those changes? hmmmm...I don't give a damn since I am not going to earn a dime from insecure and deceitful skanks around!hahaha!=) This is me and the world is just round dear and that is the end of it. In short, MANTUN KAYU SARILI YUNG YATU!hehehehe!=p If my past matters to you well damn don't be such a hypocrite bitch or a manwhore since all of us has a shit. hehe! I maybe and can be the craziest asshole around when I wanted to but most likely ONLY for the people who matters to me.
What did Pampanga do to me as per Jay Maala's question? Dude, a lot!
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