It is the past tense of the word say. Once you stated a thing or made a description in whatever means or medium, you can't anymore take it back or say "hey, i didn't mean to say that" or "I'm sorry if i 'said' such a thing, binabawi ko na o babawiin ko na lang"...All of us are guilty with this act of having things said and done without even thinking on it. What's been said is already SAID. There is no taking back. I don't know if some people can even discern what I'm trying convey but as I ponder things back, its better to shut up or think things first before saying or even doing it. Secrets and gossips? Hmmmm... Secrets are always secrets but sometimes there are some people whom you can't trust with it especially when it comes to your DDS (Deepest Darkest Secret). The only authorized person who can reveal or confirm a certain secret is the only person who confided it to you or to any person. No one else does. You don't have the right to confirm such things because you are not authorized to do so! C'mon sweetie, it is just a matter of common sense! Now if a certain person can't summon his or herself to pick that up, then his/her brain is probably made up of mire (how sad!). Gossips can only be confirmed BY the person being talked about- that is if you have the guts to ask him or her about it. By the way, all of us have some dirty past or all of us did something in the past that now we consider it as a shit. We may regret some of it that we tend to keep it as a secret but hey, those things do not measure who you really are. It does not make you less of a person no matter how worst you did in the past. What is more important is you learn, you wont do it again (or make the same mistakes) and become a better person each day. Now if some people magnify you based on your juiciest or nastiest or worst DDS or past plus the fact they can't accept you due to those reasons, well its their problem because they were born hypocrites and can never be true to themselves because they think they are so damn perfect or great!haha! A friend reminded me that a certain friend or a lover will be worth loving if there is acceptance no matter how worst you became. A true friend will never bring you down despite the fact you are making a terrible mistake or made horrible decisions in your life. He/She'll be one of your reality-checks since he/she is going to say the truth to you no matter how much it will hurt. Backstabbing? Hmmmm...my point to that is it has no means even if you justify it or no matter how you justify it. Trust and respect are still two of the important ingredients in friendship. Anyways, back to the topic. I don't care whoever hits this blog but whatever the things that I've written here are only reminders for the fool and for the gullible people around. Choose the people you will trust. Sometimes even your closest friend can betray you out of something. Betrayal is the greatest immorality of all in whatever way a person can do it to you. You may never know. A professor once said that you can't anymore take the said things back once you stated it or it finally came out from your mouth that is why we have our brain with us to think. So far that is all,folks!=) We have our own convictions on this issue and it is up to us how we will perceive and handle it.
so besh this is your new blog? =) i miss you!
@tentaypatis: yep yep this is my new blog!=) miss you too!=)
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