Monday, July 6, 2009

hangover with milkshakes all these years!

it is just one of these nights that i have these unbecoming thoughts of copying and pasting some lines that I found mesmerizing or simply intriguing. The author of the poem milkshakes is not definitely me. So, whoever is the writer or screenwriter of the movie Before Sunrise, my sincerest apologies. hehe!Anyway, I wouldn't post this if I don't find it beautiful. I read this poem a thousand times since I saw the movie.hehe..It was entitled MILKSHAKES since Celine (July Delpy) was drinking this beverage when she was walking along with Jesse (Ethan Hawke) then suddenly a stray poet approached them to give a title for a poem for him to write. In the end, they came up with these title Milkshakes... Before Sunrise is one of my favorite films and I give two-thumbs for it maybe because I am one of a heck of a frustrated lover around... jeeezzz! I hate to admit it but that is the truth...I'm still having my hopes up but no expecations to avoid devastation...haha!

Daydream delusion
Limousine Eyelash
Oh, baby with your pretty face
Drop a tear in my wineglass
Look at those big eyes
See what you mean to me
Sweet cakes and MILKSHAKES (laughs)
I am a delusion angel
I am a fantasy parade
I want you to know what I think
Don't want you to guess anymore
You have no idea where I came from
We have no idea where we're going
Launched in life
Like branches in the river
Flowing downstream
Caught in the current
I'll carry you. You'll carry me
That's how it could be
Don't you know me
Don't you know me by now

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